July in Review

Aah July in Las Vegas. What could be better? How about a root canal? It is just too toasty for me. But none the less summer has its good points. It is always good to celebrate the birth of our nation on the 4th. Fireworks, barbecue, beer and …the month end party that will arrive when the National Association of Enrolled Agents hits town. They may be small in number, only 600, but these tax experts really ramp up the excitement meter down on the strip. Usually this type of action only hits town when the National Association of Actuaries parties here.

You probably didn’t even know who they are until now but your are warned. Keep  wife and  daughters at home and practice defensive driving  because the party is certain to be epic.

If you ever wonder what a great nation we live in all you need to do is look around the world. I don’t mean to go Pollyanna on you but I am glad to be here. Just a couple of quick notes from other countries…

“The National Congress of Bolivia  backs a new law on child labor, allowing 10-year-olds into the workforce under special conditions.” I guess conditions would be like they were hungry.

West Africa is stricken with the deadly Ebola epidemic, the Mideast in constant war and  North Korea has a leader, Kim Jong-un. Nuf said.

It could be even worse you could be Canadian and have to claim Justin Bieber.

While my patriotism surges frequently I am saddened by the lack of leadership we are experiencing in Washington and the general lack of clear objectives in both domestic and foreign policy. Case in point…

We, the good old USA, are really looking to fight someone…anyone. Stay with me on this one. Last Spring Hilary went to the Middle East to meet with “moderate” leaders and see if there was a way to intervene  in the Syrian civil war, uprising or whatever you will choose to call it. We have got to get involved and stop the heinous crimes being perpetrated against the good people of Syria. Right, we do, don’t we? We need to support the rebels in this most notable cause. Who were the rebels? Primarily terrorist groups like ISIS and a few Al-Qaida spin offs along with some random citizens that are caught in the middle of a repressive regime and an even more oppressive form of radical Islam.

Fast forward to July and we need to stop the rebel terrorist group ISIS that has now spread its level of influence and control to reach Iraq as well as Syria. We may turn to our old friends the Iranians for help. You remember them from the old axis of evil days from the past. Who better to trust than the Iranians?


Posted in fun & games, monthly review.