July in Review

Aah July in Las Vegas. What could be better? How about a root canal? It is just too toasty for me. But none the less summer has its good points. It is always good to celebrate the birth of our nation on the 4th. Fireworks, barbecue, beer and …the month end party that will arrive […]

June In Review

This space is usually light hearted and I have a good time poking fun at the obvious blunders of those among and around us. This time it is different. Hope it is not too much of a downer.This last couple of months if you turned on your internet feed  or television there was some moronic […]

May In Review

I love May. It is usually a great month, but not this year. Here in Las Vegas it got too hot too fast and not just the weather. It was a month of no class trash and a huge injustice that is hard to believe.The trash is the Kar-TRASH-ian wedding–nuf said.       “No Class […]

April 2014 in Review

The month of April is usually such an upbeat month with the winter in the rear view mirror and flowers in bloom signal the beginning of spring. This year drought stricken  California got temporary relief from drought in the form of a flood, the southeast and hurricane alley ended the month with deadly hurricanes and […]